Kisaabwa Project
Well it is now over two months since I have written with news of our Ugandan Project and need to tell you the progress that has so far been made. Well in a very short time a great deal has happened, so much so, that Martin has had to down tools and get on out there. I cannot even begin to explain how sad and empty that has made me feel in having to stay behind especially as Fred, MARTIN'S DOG has now become my responsibility. For those of you, new to this newsletter Fred, the Border Collie pup, is the new addition to our family, named after Fred our Ugandan partner. What we hadn't realised is that it is the height of insult to be named after a dog in Uganda, but I think our Ugandan Fred is getting used to the idea,...........but I am not sure that Fred the dog is getting used to me !!!!! |
The background for those of you new to this newsletter is that Martin and I have been involved with Uganda for some years and during this time we have formed a firm partnership with our Ugandan co-ordinator, Fred Ssetyaba, a local man from Kisaabwa. Fred is the driving force behind this charity in Uganda and has extensive community insight, knowledge and commitment to the project.
We are now supported by a dedicated UK committee and the charity 'Hands up for Uganda' has been created with the overriding aim of empowering the people of Kisaabwa, by giving them hope towards a self-supporting, sustainable future.
So what has been happening since our trip out there in December of last year. Well you will notice that this newsletter now has a new title which is going to be the name of the Charity that we are setting up.
Kisaabwa, in South East Uganda is a very poor, rural community, lacking in many facilities that we in the western world take for granted. However they are people determined to help themselves in making a difference. They are prepared to work collectively and contribute their time, energy and skills to the Kisaabwa Project.
We work as volunteers in the UK to raise awareness and funds for the following:
Nursery Education
Primary Education
Secondary Education
Model Farming Project
Local Apprenticeships
Vocational Courses
The achievements of the Charity to date:
With private donations from family and friends and from funds raised at the 12th night Ceilidh in January of this year the charity has already provided eduation this term for 200 children, a home for a mother and her 3 children all who have aids, a wheel chair for a lame child. We have also heard that the nursery that had to close has now reopened, because of funds received to support the nursery children.
Other news back from Kisaawa is that a five acre batch of ground donated to the project for a 3 year period, is currently being cleared by hand by the youth and women of the community. This believe me is no mean task as we are talking about bush area which has not be cultivated for many years and which is being cleared by hand. We are focussing our attentions of the farming project initially and with two growing seasons out there Martin and Fred have been keen to get this particular project started.

Martin will be bringing back new photographs which will illustrate the trust and commitment that these people are beginning to show and images to illustrate their hard work towards the success of the project. Meanwhile here are some images to show you the type of land that these people are clearing for cultivation.

These are Fred's pigs, a native breed and one idea is to develop a breeding programme, where a piglet is given to a household and when they breed from their mature pig, one or two piglets are given back to the project.

Goats and chickens will also become part of the breeding programme.
These two were engaged in a conversation out in the yard!!! |
If you are looking for a charity to support, where you can follow progress, 'Hands up for Uganda' is the one for you. We work at the grass roots, with the people for the people. As a small charity we can show you how your money gets spent. We welcome support and financial aid from the UK and elsewhere.
People support us in different ways:
- You can raise funds for the Charity.
- You can make a regular or lump sum payment.
- You can sponsor a specific project.
If you would like to support in any way please get in touch. The project could do with a website, or a friendly printers for publicity material!!!!
Alternatively please just get in touch with any ideas you may have and if you wish to send your donation to the address below, please include your name, address, telephone number and email address.
Make cheques payable to 'Hands up for Uganda' and send to
Bobby and Martin Britnell ~ Moor Hall Farmhouse,
Bettws-y-crwyn, Newcastle on Clun, Shropshire SY7 8PH
Please note: We are currently applying for charitable status.
The aim of the newsletter is:
To show you clearly how the money that you have donated or raised for the Charity has been spent.
To keep you informed every step of the way.
To show you, the people, the community and the environment in which they live and how the funds raised are making a real difference.
I hope you have enjoyed this newletter. Please remember that you can unsubscribe at any time. Also remember that if you know of any that may be interested in receiving this free newsletter, please encourage to subscribe.
It is very possible that you are already involved with a charity and all you want to do it read about our project in Uganda via this newsletter.........for us that is great.
Moor Hall Farmhouse, Bettws-y-crwyn, Newcastle on Clun, Shropshire, SY7 8PH
01547 510664
Best Wishes
Bobby and Martin |