Newsletter 40 ~ March 2012 |
Martin arrives home from Uganda this weekend, to a class full of students. I think he will survive it as he knows them all very well, but he will be especially delighted to be reunited with 'Fred' the ever growing pup. I think he will be pleased to see me as well.
Here's Fred out playing with his friend that he has met for the first time.

We have had some occasional glorious days here over the past week or so, but I still remain a little suspicious of what weather lies behind the corner. Still we must enjoy it while we can and I cashed in on it by cleaning my outside sinks and getting on with the dyeing of fabrics in preparation for samples for my book. In fact it has been head down for the past two weeks and I am at last beginning to feel that I am making some progress. I am without a camera at the moment otherwise I would have shown you some of these fabrics.....but hopefully next time.
Following on with the theme of featuring an artist, this month I am going to be featuring the fabulous Jan Beaney, who will be making her second visit to Moor Hall Studio, in April. Get in quick as there are only a few remaining places on this course.
There is also a little taster of Mary Sleigh who is coming here in May and meanwhile still coming up this month with the possibility of just one more place to fill is Ruth Issett with a two-day course 'Dyeing for Colour'. But lets start with Jan.
'Close Up Magic' with JAN BEANEY
Monday16th and Tuesday 17th April 2012
£100 for 2 days
This experimental course will concentrate on creating fabulous textural surfaces using mainly hand stitching with machine stitching as appropriate. Painting, bonding and machining, will provide the surfaces on which to build stitches in relief: entwining, layering and decorating with beads and mixed media. Stunning close up images of natural forms will provide the inspiration.
Jan is an international textile artist, teacher, author, lecturer and co-founder of Double Trouble. She has been a member of the 62 Group, almost since its inception in 1963. She has contributed widely to the world of textiles and has had a major impact on the teaching of embroidery over the years.

For someone who began her early years loathing stitch, it is extremely lucky for us that she eventually found a love for it.
Her first teaching job included A level Art and O level embroidery........and keeping one page ahead in Mary Thomas's Embroidery book resonants with me in my teaching experiences.
For Jan, contact with Eirian Short and spending time with her learning basic techniques was a life saver. Studying for City and Guilds Embroidery developed her awareness and respect for traditional textile disciplines and contact with the Embroideries Guild led to becoming a member of the 62 group and writing her first book.

This piece (detail) of Skala Eressos, was completed for the recent 62 Group Publication 'Radical Thread' and consists of both hand and machine embroidery on soluble film to form a new cloth.
I feel really priviledged that she comes all the way from Maidenhead to teach in my studio in Shropshire, although this is perhaps a stone's throw for Jan, considering all the worldwide trips she embarks on most years. Her following is immense, so do not miss out on this opportunity on spending two glorious days with her at Moor Hall Studio. Here she is teaching at the studio last year.

Lets end with a few more of Jans lovely pieces. Seeing them for real is such a treat and it is then one can appreciate the extend of the craftmanship in her work.
I look forward to welcoming students on this course with Jan.
Remember just a few remaining places. |
Dyeing for Colour with RUTH ISSETT
March 29th & 30th 2012
£100 for 2 days
Create wonderful glowing colours on various fabrics from delicate weaves such as chiffon to cotton and silk velvets as well as linens and slub silks. To include a variety of different dyeing techniques, suitable for beginners.
Take this opportunity to have two days of using different dyeing techniques.
Use immersion dyeing to create 'flat' colour, direct dye painting to give your own selection of shaded colour as well as the opportunity to paint original and unique patterns. Follow this with the chance to use other methods of dyeing to create intricate and fascinating patterns with glorious colour.
The course will give you a wonderful collection of different coloured and patterned fabric all using different dye techniques.
A course for those with an enthusiasm (and stamina) to create a collection of glorious coloured fabrics.
News just in today that there is now:
2 places on 'Colour on Paper'
1 place on 'Working with a Broken Line'
1 place on the Summer School
Details of dates and course description on my website.
Link to Website
'Making Matters' with MARY SLEIGH
4th and 5th May
£100 for 2days
Discovering by making is an exciting way of developing visual ideas. Using a variety of 'materials' and simple tools we shall create surfaces and forms. These inspirational ideas will be translated into fabric and stitch on day 2. Mary uses a variety of found objects, that she has picked up on her travels.....a bird's skull here, a feather there, some thorns or a luggage label.
More on Mary in the next newlstter, but meanwhile make a note of the dates.
Mary will be giving a lecture at the Marches Branch of the Embroiderers Guild ~ Thursday 3rd May at 7.30pm
Fletcher Room, Community College, Bishop's Castle SY9 5AY
Contact: Carole Garland 01547 530951
Email: batchcott@gmail.com
I hope you have enjoyed this newletter featuring Jan Beaney. The next feature will be on Mary Sleigh. Keep checking out my website as well as they still remain a couple of spaces on the 'Working Together' Courses taught by myself and Ruth Issett My website is currently being updated, so something to hopefully be looking forward to.
Please visit my website
I always appreciate hearing from readers, as it makes me realise that the newsletters are being read. So do continue to give me your feedback and please encourage others to subscribe.
Moor Hall Farmhouse, Bettws-y-crwyn, Newcastle on Clun, Shropshire, SY7 8PH
01547 510664
Best Wishes