Whether returning or coming for the first time......Welcome to Moor Hall. My aim is to make your time here a happy experience so that you want to come back and bring others with you. This is my preferred way of advertising and promoting the studio. We are in the heart of South Shropshire and do have farm animals and family pets. Do check with us if this is an issue, so we can keep animals away from you. Courses are delivered either by myself or by well established country wide tutors, who know and understand their subject and deliver brilliant courses which are suited for all levels.
START TIME ~ Courses begin at 10.00am, but I suggest that you get here any time from 9.30 to have a drink and get settled. Please however respect the tutor if he/she is still sorting things for the course.
END TIME ~ Teaching ends at 4.00, but if on courses longer than one,
Moor Hall Studio is now set up again to received tutors, students and visitors in what we believe is a safe and happy environment for creative learning and exhibitions. We also can confirm that we have followed government and industry COVID-19 guidelines, ensuring processes are in place to maintain cleanliness and aid social and physical distancing.
Some documents with more information can be downloaded here.
Health and Safety issues Industry Standards We're Good to Go certificate
I have an exciting set of new courses for 2025. Some are already up on the website and others will be added in as they become available. I am currently working on Face to Face Studio Courses but will then add in some on-line learning opportunities for anyone interested in these.
Face to Face Courses with:
Polly Pollock, contemporary basketry, Jenny O'Leary, ways with Batik, Alex McIntyre expressive painting, Working Together, the return of Bobby Britnell and Ruth Issett, Mandy Clayton, with her skillful stitchwork, Matthew Harris, with an exciting new course and Hanny Newton, master in goldwork and new to Moor Hall, and to kick of Drusilla Cole with Tetra Pack Printing.