INSPIRED BY GRIDS by Bobby Britnell

INSPIRED BY GRIDS by Bobby Britnell

Photo 1 for INSPIRED BY GRIDS by Bobby Britnell

‘Grids’ are a wonderful inspirational source in art and design. Textile artists also use this as a formula for their work. You just need to think of the array of patchwork quilts and other forms of stitched textiles to see the endless possibilities.

On this course we will be exploring the grid through a series of creative exercises with follow up suggestions of how this can be taken further into resolved works in both art and textiles.

As with all my courses we will reference established and practising artists for further ideas and inspiration.

The complete course is now available for a one-off payment of £25

SESSION 1 ~ Using squared paper to build up ideas.

SESSION 2 ~ Exploring freer approaches with ink, paint and mixed media.

SESSION 3 ~ The wonders of collage and colour.

OUTCOMES: Hopefully by the end of the course students will have a wonderful sketchbook full of inspirational ideas, but in addition they may well develop one or two ideas into fully resolved paintings. Alternatively the possibilities of building up design ideas for printed and stitched textiles will be endless.

REQUIREMENTS for Session 1 (further requirements on booking)

  1. Squared paper no more than ½ cm square. This can be downloaded from your computer from:
  2. Black felt pen or similar.
  3. 2B Pencil or softer.
  4. Circular templates and/or stencils.

Most of the art materials and fabrics required for this course can be obtained from most art suppliers  who offer a mail order service. 

PLEASE OBSERVE COPYRIGHT: ~ All images are © Bobby Britnell unless otherwise stated. No image may be photocopied or reproduced without the prior permission of the artist.

Tutor: Bobby
Course length:Self-study
Cost: £25

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