Finding possibilities

Course Booking: Finding possibilities


Join this course if you would love to embrace creative process and play with intention. This course will encourage you to ‘be less precious’, let go of ‘thinking’ and embrace the possibility and potential of ‘mistakes’ – all whilst gaining insight into your unique visual language, intuition and taste.

You will: Work outside and in the studio with fast, intuitive and expressive drawings and paintings inspired by the Shropshire Landscape.

Use accidents and physical texture as an essential part of the drawing process and consider layers, and visual texture.

Employ processes of construction and destruction to move your source material into studies for paintings through collage.

Gain insight into your own unique visual language through reflection and conscious exploration of colour relationships, texture and composition.

Take creative risks, and have fun.


Working as a professional artist since 2007, Alex paints from a studio in Hertfordshire, UK. She has exhibited in the UK, United States and Romania, with work in commercial and private collections worldwide.  She has shown widely in art fairs: self-representing at 15 editions of The Other Art Fair in London and New York, and represented at The Affordable Art Fair and Fresh Art Fair. In addition, she has shown in the following galleries: Byard Art, Kendall’s Fine Art, Bils and Rye Gallery, The Biscuit Factory, Artichoke Gallery, Mylo Fine Art, the Stone Space, Quercus Gallery, Irving Contemporary, Kingfisher Art Gallery, Rise Art, Saatchi online and Wychwood Art.

Alex is also a practicing transformational coach, undertakes project work in community and participatory settings and is the foundation tutor at Bedfordshire University.

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