
Course Booking: TEXT.........ile

Course Description

A project that looks at the calligraphic mark as a creative starting point. Through drawing and sampling we will explore both the narrative and abstract potential of hand written text, and develop exciting new visual ideas about form, pattern, scale, shape and structure within textiles. Matthew delivered this course some years ago now and it is one that I can recommend. It will get you thinking in new ways but also with opportunities of applying ideas to your current working practise. An excellent and stimulating 3 day course.

Matthew Harris

Matthew Harris is a graduate of the textile course at Goldsmiths College and has been working with textiles since 2000, having for the previous ten years made and exhibited drawings and works on paper. He has shown in a number of group and solo exhibitions throughout the U.K, Ireland and Japan.

Matthew Harris makes work that employs dying, cutting and hand stitching. It is concerned primarily with abstract imagery and the translation of drawn marks into cloth. By making work that is pieced, patched and assembled, he aims to create pieces that explore repetition, pattern and the disrupted or dissonant journey of line and image across and through the surface of cloth.

Course Tutor

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Course Date(s)

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